From the course: Learning HubSpot

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Get to know the dashboard

Get to know the dashboard - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot

Get to know the dashboard

- [Host] As you and the people in your organization continue to work with HubSpot, adding new companies and contacts, creating new deals, maybe marketing campaigns with emails and service tickets, all of this activity is being stored in HubSpot. And the beauty of HubSpot is the number of reports you have access to to allow you to analyze what's going on. Reports can tell us how we're doing with our sales, our team, individual reps. Can tell us how our marketing lead generation is going and how we're dealing with tickets. All of these are easily accessed by a dashboard. A dashboard is a place you can go to to see a group of reports that you access most often, and drill down into those reports easily from there. And that's what we're going to focus on in this movie. We'll start by going up to reports. Doesn't matter what's on your screen down below. Under the reports menu we're going to select dashboards. Now from here,…
