From the course: Learning HubSpot

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Get organized with tickets

Get organized with tickets - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot

Get organized with tickets

- If you run a business, where your customers can make inquiries, such as, regarding a product or service you offer, you can use HubSpot to keep track of them using tickets. With tickets, you can organize all of your customer inquiries in one place and even track trends over time from a dashboard. Now, tickets can be created by going to the service dropdown and selecting tickets. This will give you access to all of your tickets and there'll be a button there to create new ones. You'll fill them out from scratch. But you can get a headstart by creating tickets from other locations. For example, if we go to Contacts and select Contacts, you'll notice when you select one of your Contacts from a list, I'm going to go to Claire Lucille here and click her name. On the right hand side of her card, you'll see a ticket section, where you can add a new ticket directly from here. Maybe you're in the card while you're talking on the…
