From the course: Learning HubSpot

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Add and edit companies

Add and edit companies - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot

Add and edit companies

- [Instructor] One thing you'll likely want to track in any CRM tool, including HubSpot, is a list of the companies you're dealing with or would like to deal with. Well, in the background here in HubSpot, something happens every time we add a new contact, whether we enter it manually or import it. Based on the domain name in the email address, HubSpot looks up that company and adds it to a list of companies. Those companies are associated with the contacts, and you can assign them to various owners in your organization. That's what we're going to explore right now. Let's go up to the Contacts dropdown. If you've added contacts, imported, or created them, when you click here and choose Companies, you'll see a list of companies that were added without you even knowing in the background, based on those domains used in the email addresses of your contacts. So I see a few here, Red30 Tech, Hansel & Petal, Kinete Co., even…
