From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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What is CRM?

What is CRM?

- [Instructor] Just before we start working with HubSpot CRM, it's important to understand what CRM is, in general, to set a proper foundation before working with any CRM tool. So, if you're already familiar with CRM and CRM tools, you can probably skip this movie. Firstly, the acronym CRM stands for customer relationship management, and typically refers to any software application or tool that helps you to manage your customer relationships. So, what exactly does that mean? Managing customer relationships, well, from a sales perspective, it can mean many things, like inputting and tracking leads, of course, checking up on those leads and converting them into deals; tracking revenue, both potential and secured, following up with customers, gathering insights into your customers and sales cycles, and a whole lot more. Now, the goal of any CRM is to improve business relationships while staying productive as you streamline processes and, in the end, hopefully improve profitability. The…
