From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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What HubSpot has to offer

What HubSpot has to offer - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

What HubSpot has to offer

- [Instructor] Just before we set up our HubSpot account and get logged in to start working with many of the free tools, it's a good idea to get familiar with what HubSpot has to offer. There are different Hubs with different tools, most of which are free, but you can upgrade at any time to access additional tools. So, let's explore what HubSpot has to offer by going to Now, keep in mind that webpages can always change and are often updated, so what you see on your screen may not match exactly what I have on my screen, but here at, we do see multiple buttons to get HubSpot free. You can see it up here in the top right corner, also on the main page, but it's down below here in the menu system where I'd like to start with Software. Just hover over Software with your mouse pointer, and you can see right at the top again, Free HubSpot CRM, 100% free. But here are the other Hubs that you get for free as well. There's a Marketing, Sales, and Service Hub, all…
