From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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Updating deals

Updating deals

- [Instructor] For any new deal you create here in HubSpot, there may be changes that need to be made. For example, maybe the close date has changed or maybe the amount you estimated for the deal has gone up or down. We can update any of those fields just by going into the deal itself where we can view the details and make adjustments. That's what we're going to do in this movie. If you were following along and created a deal, here under Sales with Deals selected we see our current list, the one and only deal we've created so far. Clicking the name allows us to go into the details for that deal where we can see a lot of the information down the left hand side. You can see the stage, the close date, and the name, and the amount up here at the top, a number of activities that we can perform and additional details down below. Any time we see that pencil icon it means we can go in and adjust any of the details. So let's say, for example, that the close date has been pushed back a little…
