From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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Set language and region settings

Set language and region settings - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

Set language and region settings

- [Instructor] One of the first things you might want to do after signing into your new HubSpot account is to set up your preferences and check out your profile. That's what we're going to do in this movie, and if we go through the Getting started with HubSpot screen that we see when we first sign in, you won't find any links to doing what we're going to do, so go down to the very bottom if you still see this and click where it says Click here to skip Getting Started. This is what you're going to see moving forward every time you sign into your HubSpot account. So, you can close up this message indicating success, or if you want to go back, you can always undo. But clicking the X will close it up, and we're now looking at our dashboard. Notice up here, when we click the drop-down next to our profile icon and our company name, the Getting Started has disappeared from here. So, we're now on our own. If we want to set up certain preferences for our profile, we go back to our profile icon…
