From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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Inside an FPGA: Logic blocks

Inside an FPGA: Logic blocks - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

Inside an FPGA: Logic blocks

- [Presenter] There are many basic elements inside FPGAs that make it possible to provide the arbitrary functionality we want. Here are the most basic of these elements. First we have logic blocks, which contain the logic elements that finally implement your design. These include digital devices like lookup tables, flip-flops and multiplexers. Next we have the inter-connect block, which is an enormous network of switches that route the logic elements to connect them as your design requires. I/O blocks contain the circuitry for input and output things in the integrated circuit. Most FPGAs contain memory blocks to implement large arrays, and also a clock management block to implement sequential systems. Now, let's take a closer look into logic blocks. Once again, this is where you'll find the elements that implement your design. These are also known as configurable logic blocks or CLB's. Each logic block contains a number of logic cells which are smaller groups of basic logic elements…
