From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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Electronic design automation tools

Electronic design automation tools - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

Electronic design automation tools

- Just like the case of IDEs for software develepment, there are a special tools for hardware development, called electronic design automation, or EDA tools. These developing tools usually contain a schematic capture application and HDL code editor, a simulator and debugger, printed circuit design tools, and even software development tools for the onboard microcontrollers or soft processors in FBGAs. Intel's EDA tool is called Quartus Prime. In this course, we'll see the light edition of Quartus Prime which can be downloaded for free at Intel's website, and does not require a license. In the download page, you get to choose the supported devices. Remember that we'll use the DE0-CV board, which contains a cyclone 5 FBGA. We'll also use the ModelSim simulator, which is part of Quartus Prime. The Vivado Suite is Xilinx's EDA tool. There is a free license download for Vivado, called the Webpack. It comes with everything you need to develop an application for the basis three board. Vivado…
