From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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Combinational logic example

Combinational logic example - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

Combinational logic example

- [Instructor] Now let's run a simulation for a combinational circuit. The system will simulate is the four-bit adder I mentioned before. It takes two four-bit numbers, A and B as inputs, and it outputs a four-bit number, C, with a carry output that serves as the 5th bit of this result. This is a very popular combinational system found in virtually every digital design book out there. Notice how this four-bit adder is composed of several smaller modules. The logic here is the same as when you add numbers by hand. First, at the bottom we have a half adder that adds the least significant bits of A and B which results in the least significant bit of C. The half adder has a carry output that is fed into a full adder, which adds this carry input to bits A1 and B1. This goes on and on for all bits in A and B. Now, here we have the circuitry for the full adder module which is a composition of two half adders and an OR gate. So our system will consist on a series of nested attestations of…
