From the course: Learning Docker

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Until next time - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Until next time

- We made it to the end of the course. Great work! We learned about how containers are taking over the world of software development and why Docker has become immensely popular over the years. We installed Docker Desktop and a Docker command line client and used them to explore creating, maintaining, troubleshooting, and removing containers. Finally, we now know the basics of turning our app into a Docker image and uploading it into the Docker Hub. Now that we know how to use Docker, be sure to give Docker Compose a try if you're interested in running clusters of apps as containers on your machine. When you're ready, take your skills to the next level by learning how to run tons of containers with Kubernetes. Knowing how to use the containers is an essential skill and a highly marketable skill in today's ever-changing tech world. Be sure to keep practicing your newly acquired expertise. Good luck and enjoy the journey!
