From the course: Learning Docker

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The Docker difference

The Docker difference - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

The Docker difference

- [Instructor] While Docker might be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about containers, Docker is not the first or only way of creating them. Let's briefly take a look at some other container and container adjacent run times. Containers, or at least the idea of them has been around a long time. The first attempt to isolate workloads came with the Chroot, or change root syscall, created by Bill Joy in 1979 and popularized by 4.2 BSD in 1982. Chroot, which is short for change root, allows administers to change the root directory that applications see. This way, an application can think it has access to an entire file system, when it really only has access to a single folder. You can still create and use chroots today. Check out this link if you're interested in playing around with that. Chroots were convenient for isolating apps from each other, but they could only really protect a host's file system.…
