From the course: Learning Docker

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The anatomy of a container

The anatomy of a container - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

The anatomy of a container

- [Instructor] In the last video, we looked at the difference between containers and virtual machines. We also introduced the container runtime, a component that works with operating system kernels to "containers," let's briefly talk about what creating containers actually means. A container is composed of two things: a Linux namespace and a Linux control group. The diagram below describes these components in more detail. Let's start with namespaces. Namespaces are a Linux kernel feature that provides the ability to expose different "views" of your system to applications running within it. This way, you can have an application think it's running as the say, route super user with access to an entire file system in all sorts of hardware when it's actually running as user 154678 with access to a single folder. Today's Linux kernels provide eight namespaces the ability to view and create users through the USERNS namespace, access…
