From the course: Learning Docker

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Taking it to the next level with Docker Compose

Taking it to the next level with Docker Compose - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Taking it to the next level with Docker Compose

- As we've seen, Docker works really well for running single applications. But what happens when you have an application that relies on multiple components that are running separately? Here's a typical example. You have a web application that relies on APIs or backend services on an application server. The application server stores stuff in a database, which is used by the APIs to return information back to the web app. You would like to deploy all of these systems as Docker containers to make it easier to test and scale your app. At first, you might think, what if I just roll them all into a single Docker image? The problem with this is that Docker containers are really meant to run one application at a time. While you could hack your Docker image to run multiple applications within a container, you run the risk of losing data or experiencing unpredictable behavior. Okay, so I can't run them all in a single…
