From the course: Learning Docker

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Solution: Fix a broken container

Solution: Fix a broken container - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Solution: Fix a broken container

(bright upbeat music) - [Instructor] All right, I hope you had some fun solving that challenge. Let's go through the solution together. Our exercise file packet contains two files, a docker file called docker file, and a script called app dot sh. Let's run docker build to build the image from this docker file. Since we're building our own image, we need to give it a name. Let's use app here with dash T. We also know that we need to provide a context to docker. Since we're already in the same directory as the exercise files, I'll just put a period here. The final command we'll run here is docker build dash t app, and then the period to denote the current directory. Let's run it. So, it looks like docker cannot find this image on our system, or from the docker hub. We have two options here. We can either change the from image that we're using, to something that we do have, or we can go into docker hub and find an…
