From the course: Learning Docker

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Level up even more with Kubernetes - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Level up even more with Kubernetes

- Docker makes it easy to run containers in a single system. Unfortunately, things get complicated really quickly once you're running hundreds or thousands of containers in production. While you can link containers together with Docker networks, these networks do not span multiple hosts by default. You can also use the Docker CLI to talk to Docker engines running on remote hosts but it is quite cumbersome, especially when authentication comes into play. Docker also does not have built-in solutions for moving containers between hosts or auto-scaling containers to respond to load. Finally, higher-level concerns like securing traffic between containers or configuring load balancing and routing amongst them are outside of Docker's realm of responsibility. At best, this can make using Docker alone for production-type workloads really, really complex. At worst, it can increase security risk, decrease performance, and make your…
