From the course: Learning Docker

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Docker best practices

Docker best practices - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Docker best practices

- Docker is awesome. In my experience, it has made writing software for multiple systems and platforms a breeze. I hope that you enjoyed learning all about Docker and how to use it. Now that you're ready to move your apps into Docker, there are three best practices I always recommend considering. You are probably going to be downloading a bunch of images from Docker Hub. We saw earlier that it is really easy to create an account and upload your own images. While this is very flexible and makes using Docker very easy, it is also very easy to download Docker images that cause harm to your systems or business. This is especially true if you're using these images as a base for creating your own images. There are many examples of developers getting hacked or having their credentials stolen from using malicious Docker images. Trend micro reported an interesting example of this in 2020. An image called Alpine 2 was uploaded…
