From the course: Learning Docker

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Challenge: Fix a broken container

Challenge: Fix a broken container - Docker Tutorial

From the course: Learning Docker

Challenge: Fix a broken container

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] All right, challenge time. This exercise file packet contains a Dockerfile and a script. The Dockerfile produces a container that is broken after an image is built from it. In this challenge, I would like you to fix the Dockerfile and the script within. When the container is working, you should see the messages that you see here print onto your terminal in order almost immediately. Here are some helpful hints. Use the -it flag when you run your container. Also use docker ps and docker rm if you get stuck trying to stop the container with Control + C. Finally, while you should not need to know more about shell scripting than what we've covered here, feel free to consult any documentation that you need. Good luck.
