From the course: Learning Design Thinking

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Test and refine solutions

Test and refine solutions

- In design thinking, testing and refinement are important turning points in the design process, where you challenge your ideas and create opportunities to make them better. These turning points can be used to create cycles of testing something, learning what works and does not, and then refining it in order to, again, test, learn, and refine. Those cycles of testing and then refining your ideas are called iterations. For a moment, imagine you're a child again, learning something new for the first time. Let's say you're learning how to ride a bicycle. You start by hopping on and trying to peddle using the momentum to keep you from falling. This simply pushes you faster and harder off the bike and out of balance. So then you try to simply stay upright by balancing with your legs and feet. This works for a bit, and eventually you waver and you fall. Next, you attempt to do both at the same time, moving several yards and…
