From the course: Learning Design Thinking

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Putting it all together

Putting it all together

- As you begin or continue to put design thinking into practice you may hear and see that they are expressed in many ways. There are industry norms as people over the years have found different ways to communicate the value, methods, and processes of design thinking. They may be tied together linearly by steps or gated by phases, the five phases of, or the six steps of design thinking, or the double diamond and so on. These are simply common ways for people to break down design thinking into linear steps. Many of these were created to bridge a gap in products that had been created in the past with little thought about the customers, the people using the products and the challenges they might be facing. They may have been created before we had formalized new product development methods such as agile and scrum that utilize iterative cycles. Therefore they may look and feel like a waterfall type of approach because they are.…
