From the course: Learning Design Thinking

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Discovering customer's unmet needs

Discovering customer's unmet needs

From the course: Learning Design Thinking

Discovering customer's unmet needs

- Have you ever used a product and said to yourself, "How did they know? This is exactly what I needed and I didn't even know I needed it, wow!" That is a perfect definition of a product that does a very good job of providing a solution for an unmet need. An unmet need is something you can uncover using design thinking by observing how people behave. Through these observations, you uncover things that they do outside of what current products offer them or what they might ask for. These interactions with our customers build empathy and frame the problem or problems they are struggling with. It illuminates their deep needs that, if we can uncover, we can provide a solution for. And if we are able to gain a deep understanding of these needs, we have a great shot at designing the perfect solution tailored to their needs. You may be wondering why not just ask them? Well, you certainly can and should, except often times…
