From the course: Learning Design Thinking

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Co-creating new solutions with your customers

Co-creating new solutions with your customers

From the course: Learning Design Thinking

Co-creating new solutions with your customers

- The biggest hurdle to creating products that our customers truly love has much to do with us. Specifically, it's the preconceived ideas and the bias we bring with our own ideas. Design thinking has an elegant and, quite frankly, super fun solution. We ask our customers to create the solution. Co-creating solutions with our customers enables us to watch and listen. How do they approach the problem? Then, how do they approach the solution? There are so many learnings, and often you'll be shocked at how different people approach them. It's really enlightening to see and experience firsthand. Have you ever stood by as a child created something? In school, my niece learned about earth and where it fit in our solar system. She shared with me a model she created on her own, and she walked me through it. I literally understood how she viewed our universe. I was seeing it through her eyes. Giving our customers the ability…
