From the course: Learning Design Thinking: Lead Change in Your Organization

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Roles for innovation

Roles for innovation

- Most business is about problem solving, for your consumers, for the bottom line, towards a vision of your company, or towards a metric like your net promoter score. Design thinking is a mindset that teams take towards problem solving. While it's both a personal skill and a mindset that one individual might take, you'll often hear design thinking described as a collaborative multidisciplinary approach. That's because when you're addressing wicked problems, those problems that don't have a clear solution, or where you're creating something that's entirely without precident, you probably need to completely transform a business model and often even impact the organizational culture of your company. You need people on your team who can empathize with users' needs, prototype solutions, and drive the changes needed to bring products to market. This often includes researchers and analysts, engineers and developers, creatives and strategists, and business or product owners. We're often…
