From the course: Learning Design Thinking: Lead Change in Your Organization

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Concepting activity

Concepting activity

- A concept is an idea expressed with enough detail for another person to understand it. In design thinking, we want to provide opportunities for the creation of unexpected concepts, those which draw on both our formal and logical knowledge, and on our human instincts for "what if" possibilities. Lateral thinking exercises drive the creation of these unexpected concepts. During early concept development, we want to produce as many new ideas as possible. This focus on breadth allows us to develop seeds of ideas without worrying about the details or feasibility, though that does come in later, as we do want to get things made real. The Random Entry Activity is based on Edward de Bono's concept of lateral thinking. It introduces unrelated random objects as stimuli for generating ideas on a specific focus area. The randomness of the object pushes teams out of their typical patterns of thinking around the topic. Random Entry is meant to generate a lot of ideas, many of which are pretty…
