From the course: Learning Design Thinking: Lead Change in Your Organization

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Active alignment: Check your goal

Active alignment: Check your goal

- One of the methods we use to drive active alignment is Check Your Goal. It helps you and your team manage the complexity of continually integrating new insights and concept iterations into the pursuit of your shared goals. This 45-minute activity takes the team through an efficient, time-boxed process of reflection, goal realignment, and planning. At the end, your team will have refreshed alignment towards the big goals you're working for. You'll have identified how the ideas have evolved, and set a near-term plan of action to address that thinking. Let's walk through leading the Check Your Goal activity. You'll need a large piece of paper and some pens, or a whiteboard. First, at the top, make a space for the goal you started the week with, but don't write it in yet. Then make three larger spaces side-by-side and label them: "What We Did," "What We Learned," and "What We'll Do Next." Finally, at the bottom, make a space for goal refinement, or you can just snag the frog worksheet…
