From the course: Learning Design Research

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Visualize and document your research

Visualize and document your research

From the course: Learning Design Research

Visualize and document your research

- To wrap up our discussion on synthesizing and presenting research, we'll discuss one last but very important point: how to visualize and document your research. Let's start with visualization. Throughout your process, you've gathered numerous chunks of quantitative data. 65% of people like this, 55% do that, 30% believe this, and so on. Quantitative data can make simple and powerful visuals, whether it's graphs and charts or infographic-like elements. You've probably also engaged in a number of other research tools. Say you've had a particularly interesting photo-ethnography study Show some highlights of it. Real research makes for compelling visuals. Or maybe you've photo documented behavior and context yourself. Use this documentation. Again, photographs are just as powerful as numbers and are sometimes more compelling to see. The bottom line is, visualize your data in creative ways, whether it's numbers…
