From the course: Learning Design Research

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Use personas to help explain your research, part one

Use personas to help explain your research, part one

From the course: Learning Design Research

Use personas to help explain your research, part one

- As we previously discussed, personas are a powerful research tool that can summarize users in order to predict their behavior, validate findings, and test possible solutions. In this section, we'll take a closer look at how to use our personas, Derrick and Mark, to help explain the context of a research problem. Let's use Derrick for this exercise. Derrick is a 17-year-old boy who has been skateboarding since he was 12. He wears baggy shorts and a t-shirt. He likes to listen to punk rock music while he skates and has a small group of four or five friends that behave just like him. He knows how to ride on multiple ramps and can do numerous tricks. If he messes up or falls, he laughs and gets back up quickly. He loves watching extreme games on TV and aspires to be the next Tony Hawk. So what we're going to try to do is reduce the amount of injuries occurring at a newly opened skate park. Derrick, our aggressive…
