From the course: Learning Design Research

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Solution: Writing good interview questions

Solution: Writing good interview questions

From the course: Learning Design Research

Solution: Writing good interview questions

(energetic music) - Our challenge was to analyze our descriptive notes from the previous challenge and come up with some good follow-up interview questions to discover more about the layout of the store and how it affects how people shop. Here's how I went about this process. First, I read through my notes, looking for general areas that needed more clarification. I asked you to come up with at least five. Here are mine. I want to establish some demographics. Knowing age and background of each participant will provide important contextual information when we later look at behaviors and opinions. Each participant moved through the store differently, and I'd like to try to learn more about why. It seemed as though Participant A had a plan with a list, and Participant B was either making it up as he went or maybe looking for inspiration. Either way, one shopper seemed structured, and the other didn't, and I'd like to know…
