From the course: Learning Design Research

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Solution: Choose which research methods to use

Solution: Choose which research methods to use

From the course: Learning Design Research

Solution: Choose which research methods to use

(gentle music) - Let's go through each problem scenario and I'll show you which method or methods I chose and explain a little bit about why. Problem one, you're researching how people commute to work in New York City, you want to find out how many people use public transportation to go to work in the morning. I chose secondary and or primary research. In a place like New York City, this kind of information may already exist, so it's worth our time to hit the books, check online, and with the library to see if there are any sources out there that have already been published on this information. If we find it, great, and if not, then we'll have to do our own research to get it. Quantitative research, because we're looking at how many people use public transportation. So, I might make a survey to send out to city residents, and generative research, because this sort of information will come in handy when helping to frame the…
