From the course: Learning Design Research

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Primary vs. secondary research

Primary vs. secondary research

From the course: Learning Design Research

Primary vs. secondary research

- In this chapter, we'll discuss a variety of research methods. A research method is a structured process of collecting data. Research methods are defined by the qualities such as who did it, how was information collected, when was it done, and why was it done? Understanding what research methods are and how they work will help you to better plan and discuss your research process. Most projects you'll encounter will include a variety of different methods that'll work together to achieve a greater understanding of the problem. Let's start with two that are closely related: secondary research, research that was done by someone else, and primary research, research that's your own original work. Let's start by looking closer at secondary research. Think of it like this. A teacher asks the students to write a research paper on a historical event. So, the students head to the library, review books and articles and video…
