From the course: Learning Design Research

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Photo ethnography

Photo ethnography

- Let's discuss another research tool, called photo ethnography. With photo ethnography, the researcher asks the research participant to document an aspect of their life with photography. Including the research participant into the process offers a couple of really interesting distinctions. The first is that photo ethnography is a great way to gain more empathy for your user. When the participant records information for you, you're able to experience a scenario from their perspective. In other words, if I ask you to record how you eat, you might show me something that I could have missed if I interviewed you, or even if I observed you myself. Second, it gets researcher into places that are hard to access. Say you want to record someone's morning routine, how they wake up, get dressed, and prepare for work. You're going to have a hard time observing that routine for yourself. But if you give a participant a camera, and have…
