From the course: Learning Design Research

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Information frameworks

Information frameworks

- In this section, we'll begin to take a look at how we can break our research down into simple graphic organizers. Graphic organizers are a great tool to help you analyze your research. They help you to get beyond your initial thoughts and look deeper into what you've learned. When I say graphic organizer, what I'm talking about here is essentially a glorified chart, such as the one shown here. The chart, or graphic organizer, arranges your research findings into specific categories. These categories then help you to see more of your research at once, and they make it much easier to look for relationships, patterns, and unique attributes. Let's consider an example. Say we're part of a design team, and we've been hired to rebrand a convenience store which is rapidly losing business to its competitors. As part of our research, we repeatedly visit both the client's store and the competing stores over the course of a few…
