From the course: Learning Design Research

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Determine an appropriate scope of research

Determine an appropriate scope of research

From the course: Learning Design Research

Determine an appropriate scope of research

- The tools and strategies we've discussed in this course can benefit your design process in many ways, but not every project that shows up on your desk is going to welcome a long, comprehensive research process. More often than not, you'll have to deal with some kind of restraints, and those restraints are often involving time and money. Projects move quickly, and the business world expects an exceptional product delivered for a fair cost in a short amount of time. On top of that, we also have to battle with the notion that design is nothing more than a simple act of aesthetics. So, where does that leave us? How can we include research in a project with time and budgetary restrictions? Well, sometimes we need to get a little creative, or at the very least, we need to learn how to modify the tools and methods we use to work under various conditions. I'm going to share some ideas with you, and you should know that some are…
