From the course: Learning Design Research

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Choose the right research tools

Choose the right research tools

From the course: Learning Design Research

Choose the right research tools

- In the previous chapter, we discussed a variety of research methods. We looked at how research methods differ and in what context they work best. Research methods rely upon a variety of tools for collecting data, and in this chapter, we're going to focus on those tools. But before we begin, I'd like to suggest that you review two documents in our exercise files. The glossary, to review our terminology and definitions, and the design methods chart. This will help to explain how all of the research methods we've talked about work together and where research tools fit into the mix. You should know that there are many different research tools out there for you to use, and there are entire books that exist with no other purpose than to introduce you to the many different tools that are out there. Some are great, and some can be confusing. Since we spent a lot of time putting these books to use, we decided to provide a list…
