From the course: Learning Design Research

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Challenge: Writing good interview questions

Challenge: Writing good interview questions

From the course: Learning Design Research

Challenge: Writing good interview questions

(upbeat music) - In this challenge, we'll take our descriptive notes from the previous challenge and use them to practice writing effective interview questions. If you don't have your own descriptive notes, you can work from my notes located in the Exercise Files folder here. Before you can write effective interview questions, you must have an idea of what you're trying to learn. From the last challenge, remember, we're trying to discover more about how the layout of a grocery store affects how and what people purchase. We've already went to a store and observed two different people shopping. Participant A, the structured shopper with a list in hand, seldomly veered off track or made impulse purchases. And participant B, the wanderer, without a list, randomly looking for items back and forth through the store, making some impulse purchases. Now, let's use those observations to inform our interviews and dig a little…
