From the course: Learning Design Research

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Challenge: Choose which research methods to use

Challenge: Choose which research methods to use

From the course: Learning Design Research

Challenge: Choose which research methods to use

(upbeat music) - In the past chapter, we've gone over a number of research methods and discussed how they work best for different problems. It's not always easy to recognize which to use. So in this challenge, we'll focus on just that, choosing the right methods for the job. Your objective for this challenge is to carefully consider each research problem presented to you and identify one or more research methods that should be used in order to reach a solution. Go through each scenario, and ask yourself if the problem is seeking something broad or specific, numbers and statistics or opinions and beliefs, information about consumer behavior or human behavior. It might be helpful to make a short list of the qualities for each research method we've discussed. This could help you work through the challenge, such as quantitative researches, numbers, statistics, and measurements, and objective data. You can find the files for…
