From the course: Learning Data Visualization

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When and how to use animation and interactivity

When and how to use animation and interactivity

From the course: Learning Data Visualization

When and how to use animation and interactivity

- [Instructor] If you show me a visual and I can have a passive experience with it, that experience can be enlightening and maybe inspiring or entertaining or motivating. That's great. That's miles ahead of showing me a table of numbers. But more and more these days, visualizations will do more than just sit there. Maybe the visual simply transitions into place or maybe the data changes based on the progression of a story or maybe it updates to reveal more information based on user interaction. Either way, this more engaging, live active experience is powerful. When you can make your visuals more engaging, you should and you can think of it as coming in those three layers of engagement, transitions, builds and interactions. It's become the standard for even basic webpages and app interfaces to at least fade, move and otherwise transition as the content loads. We've grown to expect movement in our digital lives so…
