From the course: Learning Data Visualization

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Geographic visualizations

Geographic visualizations

- [Instructor] Hey look, this data has location information. I must map it. No, don't do that. Don't use a map as a visualization just because you have a column with addresses or countries or latitudes and longitudes. Just because you have geographic information does not mean that it's important to your audience in this context. For example, I have the location of every burrito joint in this data set, but if my task for a particular visualization is to figure out what makes a good burrito, then it makes perfect sense that I would do some of the things I talked about earlier like look at a correlation matrix or scatter plots to see what variables correlate with good burritos. That has nothing to do with location. On the other hand, if my task is to figure out where I can get a good burrito on the way home from work and my office is here and my house is here, then this view absolutely would be helpful because I can see that…
