From the course: Learning Data Visualization

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Correlation visualizations

Correlation visualizations

- [Instructor] Another very common task in data analysis and visualization is looking for relationships between variables. The technical term for this is correlation. Sometimes you're trying to figure out if two things are tied together in some way. That task is different from finding a good burrito. It's more about finding what makes a good burrito. For instance, if I'm trying to find the best burrito to get for dinner, I'm just looking at variables like the overall score, location, maybe the size and the cost of the burrito, but if I want to understand what makes one burrito better than another, it's not so much comparing scores as it is understanding what drives those higher or lower scores. This is where correlation comes in. Maybe I have a theory that the hunger of the person rating the burrito has an influence on whether the score is high or low. I would investigate the correlation between those two variables, and…
