From the course: Learning Data Visualization

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Cheat sheets

Cheat sheets

- [Instructor] So we want to pick charts with intention but to do that it would be nice to have a head start. Luckily, there are cheat sheets out there that will help us do this. My favorite is the Visual Vocabulary, created by the Financial Times. This is one of several tools out there that will help you do a better job picking charts. You can see that it's organized by categories like deviation, correlation, ranking, and more. Now, that's interesting because you may ask yourself Ah so how do I know which one of these I should use and why? And I'm going to get to that soon. But assuming you know which one of these you want to use, look at this resource. If you really want to communicate change over time, look at that center column and boom, there are solid choices. There are the old standards like line charts and there are some more esoteric options like connected scatter plots. You know what I don't see there? A pie…
