From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Using the exercise files

Using the exercise files - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] Exercise files are provided for this particular course. And when using the exercise files, they can be downloaded from the library in a zip file format. So that means that all the files are there for you to follow along with the videos in each chapter. They are AutoCAD DWG files, the native AutoCAD file format. And they're saved back in a 2013 DWG format. What this means is you can use previous versions of AutoCAD back to AutoCAD 2013 to open the DWG files and follow along with the videos in the course. I will let you know what file you need to use for each video. I'll mention it at the beginning of each video so that you know that you're using the right DWG file to follow the video in each chapter. Store the exercise files once you've downloaded them in a known location so that you know where they are, and they're quick and easy to find as you follow through the course. And here's a little trick for you.…
