From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Using annotative scaling

Using annotative scaling - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Using annotative scaling

- [Instructor] We're staying in our communication.dwg file, and you've heard me mention annotative scaling quite a bit throughout this Learning AutoCAD course. So this video's going to cover a little bit about annotative scaling. Now you'll notice at the moment, can you see that we've got, in our ISO A1 landscape layout tab, we got our floor plan, which is set at a one to 100 scale. To the right of that, we've got the restrooms, which are set to a one to 30 scale, and we've got our little table at the bottom. Now I'm not going to worry about the view port with the table in it. That's just set not to scale. Really that doesn't matter. That's just so you can see the table and read what's in the table. Now, you'll notice if you look at the restrooms view port here, I'm going to double click inside it. If I just pan across a little bit, I will reset this in a minute, you'll notice there's grid line B just there.…
