From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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The status bar

The status bar

- [Instructor] We're staying in our interface dot DWG file and this time in this video we're going to take a little look at the status bar in AutoCAD. Now that's located in the bottom right corner of your screen. It's all these little icons here, like so. Now all of these are drafting settings that you would normally use in AutoCAD to create a drawing like the floor plan in the interface dot DWG file. Now I'm just going to take you through a few of them and show you what they do, but normally anything that is highlighted blue on the status bar is on, anything that has that gray color, that dark gray is off. So you'll notice down here if I hover, can you see there? I've got my grid mode and also my snap mode. Now snap mode is on at the moment. I don't actually need it in this drawing cause I'm not snapping to a grid. If grid was on and I had a grid that I was using I would normally utilize snap mode with it. So I'm going to…
