From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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The ribbon and panels

The ribbon and panels - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

The ribbon and panels

- [Lecturer] We're staying in our interface dot DWG file. And in this particular video, we're going to take a look at the ribbon and ribbon panels in more detail. Now, you can't miss the ribbon in AutoCAD. It's that big long strip at the top of the screen there with all the icons on it. So when you've got a drawing open, all of those icons become available. They're not grayed out. It means you can work on your drawing, and obviously generate your designs within AutoCAD. So what I want to show you is how all of these ribbon tabs, ribbon panels, and things work. So in the ribbon, by default, you normally start in the home tab right here, top left. And as I click on these tabs, can you see the ribbon changes each time? So we've got a different theme for each tab. So the home tab, the insert tab, the annotate tab, the parametric tab. Now if you are using AutoCAD LT, which is the light version of AutoCAD, your ribbon may…
