From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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The new AutoCAD 2024 interface

The new AutoCAD 2024 interface - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

The new AutoCAD 2024 interface

- [Interview] You'll see on the screen now that we've got AutoCAD open. Now, I'm using the full version of AutoCAD, not AutoCAD LT, and I'm also using the latest version of AutoCAD, which is AutoCAD 2024 or 20-24, as some people call it. Now, we've got a drawing open in AutoCAD 2024, as well. We've got the Introduction.DWG file. You can download this file from the files that you've downloaded from the library, so you should have downloaded all the files from the library and this Introduction.DWG file is available in there. Just open it up in your version of AutoCAD, and you'll see that it opens up in the Model tab. As you can see down here, there's the Model tab and it's a floor plan drawing. Now, I'm not going to ask you to edit the floor plan drawing in any which way. I just want to get you used to the AutoCAD interface briefly. Now, the reason I'm doing this is because people use different versions of AutoCAD. I'm…
