From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Text styles

Text styles

- [Instructor] We're starting a new chapter now and we're going to start taking a look at annotating within AutoCAD. Now, annotation in AutoCAD encompasses lots of different things, text, dimensions, tables and so on. And what we're going to take a look at step by step in this chapter with the videos is how to create some simple annotation on a drawing. Now for that reason, we have a drawing for you. You will recognize it but it's a different version of that file. It's called annotation.dwg. And as usual, you can download it from the library to follow along with the videos. In this particular chapter, it is a copy of the file that we created in the previous chapter. You'll notice our new tables down here and our little wiggly separation wall there that we placed using a spine in the previous chapter. Now what we're going to do in this video is set up a new layer for our text and a new text style for our text. Text…
