From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Single-line text (TEXT) and multiline text (MTEXT)

Single-line text (TEXT) and multiline text (MTEXT) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Single-line text (TEXT) and multiline text (MTEXT)

- [Instructor] We're staying in our annotation.dwg file and in the previous video we set up our text style and our text layer. We're now going to start placing some single line text and some multi-line text in our annotation.dwg file. So couple of quick sanity checks just before we start. Let's pop to the home tab onto the ribbon into the layers panel and just check that we are using the right layer. You should be using the Z with the triple zero T.TEXT layer. It should be red as well. Remember we set that up earlier. Just click on the name of the layer if it's not the current drafting layer at the moment. We also need to check that we we're using the right text style. So I'm going to go to the annotation panel. Click on the flyout. You should have labels model 250 millimeters set as your current text on. If you don't click on the flyout arrow and select labels model 250 millimeters. So that's our little bit of…
