From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Printing and plotting

Printing and plotting - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Printing and plotting

- [Lecturer] Once again, we're in our communication dot DWG file, and at this point, I suggest that you save your drawing, because you've made all the necessary changes. We've added the annotation, the annotative scaling. We've added our view ports, they're at the appropriate scales. Everything is set up, ready to communicate our drawing to the masses. Now, the good thing is we've already done our page setup. We've already created a page setup that allows us to plot to a pdf. Now, one of the things that you must do when you are obviously plotting your drawings or printing them, whichever phraseology you want to use, is sanity check them. Make sure that they look okay before you send them out. Now, there's a really quick and easy way of doing this. You can do it in two ways. If I go to the output tab on the ribbon, I can do a little preview there, or I can right click here on the ISO-A1 landscape tab and I can go to plot.…
