From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Polylines, polygons, and splines

Polylines, polygons, and splines - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Polylines, polygons, and splines

- [Instructor] We're staying in our Geometry.DWG file and we're going to take a look at polylines, polygons and splines. A polyline is a group of lines joined together to form one object. A polygon is a multi-sided shape and a spline is an irregular curve in AutoCAD. And we're going to work through each of those commands to see how they work within AutoCAD. We're also going to work with a couple of other commands, but you'll see that as we go as well, because often what happens is you work with one particular command in AutoCAD and then you might work with another one just to update something with that particular geometrical object that you've created. I'm going to roll back on the wheel a couple of notches like so and just pan down a little bit. So you'll notice we've got a bit of space here in this area where we created this table with the two circular inserts there. So I'd like you to zoom in on that area just above…
