From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Placing dimensions

Placing dimensions

- [Instructor] Once again, we're in our annotation.dwg file, and in the previous video we set up our dimension style, ready to start placing some dimension annotation. Now we're going to do a quick little bit of sanity checking just to make sure that we're doing all the right things, at the right time, when we're placing our dimensions. So we're in the annotate tab on the ribbon, we're using our dim layer override here. So that's set to A-010-D_DIM. And our dimension style is our Training ANNO dimension style as well. Now if those need changing, just click on the dropdown arrows, there's the A-010-D_DIM, and click there and you need to select your training one. So use the slider and there's your Training ANNO right there like so. Now we've got different dimension tools available, there's dimension, there's the fly out there for all the different dimension types and so on. Now before we start placing any dimensions, we need…
